
Me, myself & I

I don’t like people Disturbing around

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Diskusia  (3)

I don’t need struggle

Coming to my world

I am standing here

In my own crowd

Exclusively me, myself and I. 

The first one is me,

Smiling to the sun

Friendly and easy

Loving all the fun. 

Then myself comes

With explosions and fights

Forgetting nice me

While fighting for my rights.  

The pure I is standing

Outside in the cold

Hopelessly asking

How to manage this world?  

Veronika Lestakova

Veronika Lestakova

  • Počet článkov:  10
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  • Páči sa:  0x

SOM.Zijem. Premyslam. Vidim. Ucim sa. Spoznavam. Prechadzam. Zaznamenavam. Chapem. Snazim sa. Citim. Tvorim. Zoznam autorových rubrík:  BIG CITY LIFECreative Writing- ENGLISHPracujemSúkromnéNezaradené

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